Contact Us
Patrick Prather
Executive Director / President
In 2006, Patrick opened a pest management company and initiated Integrated Mosquito Management programs for two municipalities in Tarrant and Denton counties. These two initial cities are still under contract today along with over 50 other North Texas municipalities.
Mike Swan
Board Certified Entomologist
Technical Director
In August of 2012 Mike began working with Municipal Mosquito as Operations Manager and Technical Director. Mike brings his 36 years of pest and mosquito control experience and is board certified by the Entomological Society of America (B.C.E.).
Kayleen Chandler, RS, MPH
Public Health and Arboviral Intelligence
Kayleen has worked in Texas A&M’s Toxicology Lab, the Department of Homeland Security’s Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease Division, and as the Tarrant County Mosquito Surveillance Program Manager. Kayleen began working with Municipal Mosquito in 2013. Kayleen is a Texas Registered Sanitarian with over 15 years of experience in the Arboviral and Public Health fields.
Hadis Hosseinzadehnaseri, MS, MPH, CPH
Vector Research and Laboratory Coordinator
Hadis is a recent graduate form UNTHSC. She has enthusiasm for research in vector borne disease control and prevention. Her current role is focused in our mosquito identification lab and sample preparations for testing by our third-party lab. Her role will evolve to assisting in development for mosquito resistance trials for North Texas entities.